How Video Can Improve Sales Enablement

How Video Can Improve Sales Enablement

Firstly, what is sales enablement? It’s defined as the resources a company provides to help its sales team engage contacts and close deals. It includes training, knowledge sharing, marketing collateral and customer communications.

Using video as part of your sales enablement can enhance each of these areas and bring multiple benefits to the business.

  • Training: Sales reps are constantly on the go, so making the latest training videos available on-demand from any device ensures that they will always be up to date with products and sales methodology.
  • Knowledge sharing: every meeting with a potential customer delivers new insights. Sharing these with colleagues via informal videos is a quick and easy way to build team knowledge. And these precious nuggets of information can be kept totally secure on our platform.
  • Marketing collateral: sales reps need the right information at their fingertips to seal the deal. Studies show that customers are 85% more likely to buy after watching an explainer video; so being able to pinpoint a video with just the right content to present to a prospect is a real advantage. That can be done using our video content management system with a powerful search facility.
  • Customer communication: phone calls and emails are the bread and butter of sales communication but creating personalised videos to send to prospects adds a whole new dimension to the conversation. Pre-sales, the video might highlight a special feature that applies particularly to a certain prospect; post-sales customer care that includes personalised messages will keep the customer updated and on board with your product.

Video provides engaging content for your sales staff to use to attract new prospects and convert them to customers. And it’s an excellent way to help sales teams communicate more effectively with each other, with headquarters and with the customers.

Successful companies across the world are using video as a key part of sales enablement, because they know it works.  Get in touch today to arrange a free market update and to learn how your organisation could benefit.

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